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Analytical Modeling and Analysis of through Silicon Vias (TSVs ) in High Speed Three-Dimensional System Integration
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 42, 49-59, 2015
This paper gives a comprehensive study on the modeling and design challenges of Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) in high speed three dimensional (3D) system integration. To investigate the propagation characteristics incurred by operations within the ultra-broad band frequency range, we propose an equivalent circuit model which accounts for rough sidewall effect and high frequency effect. A closed-form expression for TSV metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitance in both depletion and accumulation regions is proposed. The coupling of TSV arrays and near and far field effect on crosstalk analysis are performed using 3D EM field solver. Based on the TSV circuit model, we optimize the TSVs' architecture and manufacturing process parameters and develop effective design guidelines for TSVs which could be used to resolve the signal integrity issues arising at high frequency data transmission in 3D ICs.
Md Amimul Ehsan, Zhen Zhou, and Yang Yi, "Analytical Modeling and Analysis of through Silicon Vias (TSVs ) in High Speed Three-Dimensional System Integration," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 42, 49-59, 2015.

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