Vol. 35
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Analysis of the Generalized Case of Scattering from a Ferromagnetic Microwire Grid
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 35, 1-10, 2014
This paper investigates the generalized case of scattering from a planar grid, containing an infinite number of axially magnetized ferromagnetic microwires placed parallel to each other in free space. A semi-analytical solution is obtained by calculating the local field at the surface of the reference microwire which is the sum of the scattered field from the other microwires as well as the incident field. Graf's theorem is used to transform the scattered field from one coordinate system to the other. Scattering field coefficients for the reference microwire are obtained by matching the tangential field components at the surface of the reference microwire. Simulated results are expressed in terms of the Reflection, Transmission, and Absorption Coefficients for the (TMz) and (TEz) polarizations. For validation, results of the proposed analysis specialized to the case of normal incidence with TMz polarization are compared with the results available in the literature.
Tarun Kumar, Natarajan Kalyanasundaram, and Bhaurao Kashirao Lande, "Analysis of the Generalized Case of Scattering from a Ferromagnetic Microwire Grid," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 35, 1-10, 2014.

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