Vol. 53
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Wide-Band Secure Compressed Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 53, 47-71, 2013
Cooperative wide-band spectrum sensing has been considered to enable cognitive radio operation of wireless regional area networks (WRAN) in the UHF and VHF TV broadcasting bands. In this paper, cooperative compressed spectrum sensing is considered to enable fast sensing of the wide-band spectrum. The speed and accuracy of spectrum sensing are improved by further optimization of the compressed sensing receiver, which is done blindly without any prior knowledge of the sensed signal. Enhanced compressed spectrum sensing algorithms are proposed for the cases of individual spectrum sensing and cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS). The cooperative signal reconstruction process is modified to optimally combine the received measurements at the fusion center. A low complexity authentication mechanism, which is inherent to cooperative compressed spectrum sensing, is proposed to make the cognitive radio system immune to adversary attacks.
Mostafa El-Khamy, Mohammed Farrag, and Mohamed El-Sharkawy, "Wide-Band Secure Compressed Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 53, 47-71, 2013.

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