Vol. 38
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Novel Planar Antenna with a Broadside Radiation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 38, 45-53, 2013
This paper presents a novel low-profile antenna with a broadside radiation. The proposed design strategy consists in modifying the layout of a classical Vivaldi antenna, thus resulting in compact dimensions and a broadside radiation pattern. Two different ways of implementing the proposed design approach are presented and discussed. More specifically, experimental data referring to two prototypes on a FR4 substrate with an operating frequency of 2.45 GHz are reported. The first layout has approximately the same dimensions of a Vivaldi antenna and a directivity of about 7 dBi, the second one has more compact dimensions (the dimensions are smaller than the ones of a standard patch antenna) and a directivity of about 5 dBi.
Giuseppina Monti, Fabrizio Congedo, and Luciano Tarricone, "Novel Planar Antenna with a Broadside Radiation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 38, 45-53, 2013.

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