Vol. 137
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A New Scheme for the Design of Balanced Frequency Tripler with Schottky Diodes
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 137, 407-424, 2013
We propose a balanced frequency tripler scheme for millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave application, in which double-sided suspended stripline is adopted. Two arms of Schottky diodes are mounted on the upper side of the substrate, and the other two arms of diodes are mounted on the lower side. The diodes are DC biased without bypass chip capacitor, which is essential in the common used balanced tripler scheme. Furthermore, the numbers of the diodes are doubled as there are only two arms of diodes in the common balanced tripler scheme, and this will double the power handling capability of the tripler. A W-band frequency tripler is designed according to the proposed scheme with commercial Schottky Varistors. The output power is from 2.9 to 5.7 dBm at the frequencies from 89.7 to 94.8 GHz, with the conversion efficiency from 1.95% ~3.7%.
Jian Guo, Jie Xu, and Cheng Qian, "A New Scheme for the Design of Balanced Frequency Tripler with Schottky Diodes," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 137, 407-424, 2013.

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