Vol. 48
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Simulating GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Map of Oil Slicked Sea Surfaces Under General Scenarios
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 48, 61-76, 2013
Presently, the simulated Delay Doppler Maps (DDMs) of oil slicked sea are limited to simplified scenarios which have the elevation angle of 90° (nadir reflection). In this paper, the detailed simulation process to generate GNSS-R DDMs of oil slicked sea surfaces under general scenarios is presented. The DDM of oil slicked sea surface under general scenarios are generated by combining the mean-square slope model for oil slicked/clean surfaces and the GNSSR Zavorotny-Voronovich (Z-V) scattering model. The coordinate system transformation appropriate for general-elevation-angle scenarios are also incorporated. To validate the proposed approach, a comparison is made between the DDMs of a simplified scenario and a general scenario, which are generated based on the oil slick distribution of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill accident. Theoretical analysis reveals that oil slick may be detected within a 100 km radius coverage area around the specular point for a GNSS-R receiver under the general scenario with elevation angles of 72°.
Chen Li, and Weimin Huang, "Simulating GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Map of Oil Slicked Sea Surfaces Under General Scenarios," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 48, 61-76, 2013.

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