Vol. 42
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Comprehensive Solution to Scattering by Bianisotropic Objects of Arbitrary Shape
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 42, 335-362, 2012
This paper presents a method of moments (MoM) solution for the problems of electromagnetic scattering by inhomogeneous three-dimensional bianisotropic scatterers of any shape. The electromagnetic response of bianisotropy has been described by the constitutive relations of the most general form composed of four 3 x 3 matrices or tensors. The volume equivalence principle is used to obtain a set of mixed potential formulations for a proper description of the original scattering problem. Here, the total fields are separated into the incident fields and the scattered fields. The scattered fields are related to the electric and magnetic potentials which are excited by electric and magnetic bound charges and polarization currents. The body of the scatterer is meshed through the use of tetrahedral cells with face-based functions used to expand unknown quantities. At last, the Galerkin test method is applied to create a method of moments (MoM) matrix from which the numerical solution is obtained. Implemented in a MATLAB program, the numerical formulation is evaluated and verified for various types of scatterers. The results are compared with those of previous work, and a good agreement is observed. Finally, a scattering from a two-layered dispersive chiroferrite sphere is presented as the most general example.
Chong Mei, Moamer Hasanovic, Jay Kyoon Lee, and Ercument Arvas, "Comprehensive Solution to Scattering by Bianisotropic Objects of Arbitrary Shape," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 42, 335-362, 2012.

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