Vol. 36
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Radar Image of One Dimension Rough Surface with Buried Object
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 36, 323-336, 2012
In order to detect a buried object quickly and accurately, a fast radar imaging method is presented in this paper. At first, complex backscatter data are computed by using propagation-inside-layer expansion combining the forward and backward method (PILE + FB). Then, a conventional synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging procedure called back projection method is used to generate 2-D image. The random rough surface with Gauss spectrum is used to simulate the ground. Tapered incident wave is chosen to reduce truncation error. Because backscatter data are computed by fast numerical method, this method is proper for rough surface with any parameters with a buried complex object, which is very useful for realistic object detection.
Wei-Jie Ji, and Chuang-Ming Tong, "Radar Image of One Dimension Rough Surface with Buried Object," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 36, 323-336, 2012.

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