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Effects of Geometry Configurations on Ambiguity Properties for Bistatic MIMO Radar
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 30, 117-133, 2011
Bistatic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar can improve the system performance for obtaining the waveform diversity and larger degrees of freedom (DoF), and effectively counteract the stealthy target for its transmit antennas and receive antennas separated placement. Similarly with the conventional bistatic radar, the geometry configurations of bistatic MIMO radar also play an important role in radar system's performance. Aimed at considering these effects of geometry configurations on the performance for bistatic MIMO radar, in this paper the extended ambiguity function is defined as the coherent cumulation of the matching output of all channels, where the information of the system geometry configuration is included in the received signal model. This new ambiguity function can be used to characterize the local and global resolution properties of the whole radar systems instead of only considering transmitted waveforms in Woodward's. In addition, some examples with the varying system configurations or target parameters are given to illustrate their effects, where the spatial stepped-frequency signal set (a quasi-orthogonal waveform set) is used. The simulation results demonstrate that the more approaching to monostatic MIMO radar case, the better ambiguity properties of time-delay and Doppler for bistatic MIMO radar.
Hao-Wen Chen, Xiang Li, Jin Yang, Wei Zhou, and Zhaowen Zhuang, "Effects of Geometry Configurations on Ambiguity Properties for Bistatic MIMO Radar," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 30, 117-133, 2011.

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