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Polarimetric Scattering Modeling and Information Retrieval of SAR Remote Sensing --- a Review of Fdu Work
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 104, 333-384, 2010
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery technology is one of most important advances in space-borne microwave remote sensing during recent decades. Completely polarimetric scattering from complex terrain surfaces can be measured. Polarimetric SAR (POLSAR), and its relevant technologies, such as POL-interferometric SA (POLINSAR), bistatic SAR (POL-BISAR), high resolution (in m and dm resolution) SAR, inverse SAR (ISAR) etc., have been providing rich all-weather, all-time and high resolution data and images of active miscrowave remote sensing. Fully understanding and retrieving information from polarimetric scattering signatures of natural media and SAR images have become a key issue for the SAR remote sensing and its broad applications. Many researches on polarimetric scattering and SAR imagery technology have been carried out (e.g., [1-6]). This paper presents a review of the research works in Fudan University (FDU) during recent years on theoretical modeling of the terrain surface for polarimetric scattering simulation and Mueller matrix solution, mono-static and bistatic SAR image simulation, new parameters for unsupervised surface classification, DEM inversion, change detection from multi-temporal SAR images, and reconstructions of buildings from multi-aspect SAR images, etc. [7-46]. Some applications are briefly reported.
Ya-Qiu Jin, "Polarimetric Scattering Modeling and Information Retrieval of SAR Remote Sensing --- a Review of Fdu Work," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 104, 333-384, 2010.

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