Vol. 102
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A New Type of the Quasi-TEM Eigenmodes in a Rectangular Waveguide with One Corrugated Hard Wall
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 102, 143-157, 2010
The problem of determining the eigenmodes of a rectangular waveguide with one hard wall formed by longitudinal corrugations with grooves filled with dielectric is considered. The characteristic equation is derived by using the asymptotic boundary conditions for corrugated surfaces. It is shown analytically that if the groove depth is equal to the value 0.25λ/(ε-1)1/2 corresponding to the hard wall condition, the TE eigenmode spectrum of the waveguide contains an infinite set of new non-uniform quasi-TEM modes with different transverse propagation constants in the empty part and identical longitudinal propagation constants equal to the wavenumber k. Analytical solution for the case of excitation of the waveguide by a specified source is given, and an example of forming local quasi-TEM waves is considered and discussed.
Sergei P. Skobelev, and Per-Simon Kildal, "A New Type of the Quasi-TEM Eigenmodes in a Rectangular Waveguide with One Corrugated Hard Wall," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 102, 143-157, 2010.

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