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Robust Semi-Deterministic Facet Model for Fast Estimation on EM Scattering from Ocean-Like Surface
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 18, 347-363, 2009
A robust semi-deterministic facet model for the computation of the radar scattering cross section from the ocean-like surface is presented. As a facet-based theory, it is a more comprehensive model which can reflect the specular and diffuse configurations, as well as the mono- and bistatic features. Significant computational efficiency and good agreement with experimental data are observed, which makes the proposed facet model well suitable for fast estimation on EM scattering and synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imagery simulation of marine scene.
Hui Chen, Min Zhang, Ding Nie, and Hong-Cheng Yin, "Robust Semi-Deterministic Facet Model for Fast Estimation on EM Scattering from Ocean-Like Surface," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 18, 347-363, 2009.

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