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Controlling the Frequency of Simultaneous Switching Noise Suppression by Using Embedded Dielectric Resonators in High-Impedance Surface Structure
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 11, 149-158, 2009
This work presents a novel design for high-impedance surface (HIS) embedded dielectric resonator (DR) structures to efficiently control bandwidth of suppressing simultaneous switching noise (SSN) in high speed digital printed circuit boards (PCBs). The proposed structure is designed by periodically embedding high dielectric constant materials into the substrate between a continuous power plane and a middle patch. A conventional HIS structure has only one resonance frequency to produce stopband while the proposed structure has two resonances to widen the suppression bandwidth. The -30 dB stopband of the proposed structure is about two times wider than that of a conventional HIS structure. The excellent SSN suppression behavior was verified by measurements and simulations.
Chin-Sheng Chang, Jian-Yi Li, Wen-Jeng Lin, Mau-Phon Houng, Lih-Shan Chen, and Ding-Bing Lin, "Controlling the Frequency of Simultaneous Switching Noise Suppression by Using Embedded Dielectric Resonators in High-Impedance Surface Structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 11, 149-158, 2009.

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12. Chang, C.-S., D.-B. Lin, K.-C. Hung, I.-T. Tang, and M.-P. Houng, "Simultaneous switching noise mitigation capability with low parasitic effect using aperoidic high-impedance surface structure ," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letter, Vol. 4, 149-158, 2008.

13. Chang, C.-S., M.-P. Houng, N.-F. Wang, and L.-S. Chen, "An embedded isolation moat structures with stopband and low parasitic effect for elimination simultaneous switching noise," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letter, Vol. 6, 91-98, 2009.