Vol. 86
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An Impulse-Radio-Based Ultrawideband RF Front-End Module with a New Multilayered Microwave Sampler
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 86, 1-18, 2008
In this paper we develop a new impulse-radio-based RF front-end module for ultrawideband communications. The proposed transceiving module is designed based a novel compact microwave sampler. The microwave sampler consists of a multilayered magic-T and a balanced sampling bridge. By utilizing a wideband microstripto-slotline Marchand balun, the newly proposed magic-T features an improved bandwidth of 94.2%. The design concept, circuit topology, and experimental results of the magic-T and microwave sampler are investigated in the first half of this paper. By utilizing the equivalent time sampling theory, in the second half of this paper we investigate an impulse-radio-based ultrawideband transceiving front-end module. Two transmission data rates, 90 and 270 Kbps, are demonstrated with various bit patterns. The experimental results reveal that the transceiving module has a coverage range up to 4.5 m. The circuit configuration, modulation scheme, and system performance of the front-end module are discussed thoroughly. The tradeoff for increasing the data rate is discussed at the end of this paper as well.
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma, Chin-Jay Wu, and Chin-Feng Chou, "An Impulse-Radio-Based Ultrawideband RF Front-End Module with a New Multilayered Microwave Sampler," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 86, 1-18, 2008.

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