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Assessment of Human Head Exposure to Wireless Communication Devices: Combined Electromagnetic and Thermal Studies for Diverse Frequency Bands
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 9, 83-96, 2008
In this paper, an integrated and manifold study of the combined electromagnetic and thermal effects, caused by human exposure to microwave radiation is carried out. In essence, we numerically calculate the amount of electromagnetic power absorbed by biological tissues for various exposure conditions and types of emitting sources, utilizing a detailed model of the human head. The severity of the obtained results is evaluated via comparisons with the guidelines of international safety standards, while further insight is gained by investigating the induced thermal effects. The latter are properly quantified through the solution of the bioheat equation, when combined with the outcome of the electromagnetic simulations. Spatial distributions of the corresponding temperature changes are thus calculated, their relation to the dissipated power is established, and the thermal response of human tissues in marginal cases of exposure is predicted.
Theodoros T. Zygiridis, and Theodoros Tsiboukis, "Assessment of Human Head Exposure to Wireless Communication Devices: Combined Electromagnetic and Thermal Studies for Diverse Frequency Bands," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 9, 83-96, 2008.

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