Vol. 8
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Tuning of the Propagation Model ITU-R P.1546 Recommendation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 8, 243-255, 2008
In the present work, a precise optimization method is proposed for tuning the parameters of ITU-R P.1546 recommendation to improve its accuracy in VHF and UHF propagation prediction. In this optimization method, the genetic algorithm is used to tune the model parameters. The predictions of the tuned model are compared with those of the ITU-R P.1546 recommendation and verified in comparison with some electric field strength measurements obtained by utilizing the IS-95 pilot signal in a commercial CDMA network in rural Australia.
Kian Paran, and Narges Noori, "Tuning of the Propagation Model ITU-R P.1546 Recommendation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 8, 243-255, 2008.

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