Vol. 83
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Genetic Algorithm Optimization of High-Efficiency Wide-Band Multimodal Square Horns for Discrete Lenses
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 83, 335-352, 2008
By properly exciting higher order modes at an aperture it is possible to achieve higher aperture efficiencies. High efficiency antennas are mandatory in many applications, as discrete lenses, since the single element efficiency deeply affects the efficiency of the whole lens. In this contribution a genetic algorithm is applied to the mode matching analysis of square horns to achieve high radiation efficiency over a relatively wide band.
Elson Agastra, Giancarlo Bellaveglia, Leonardo Lucci, Renzo Nesti, Giuseppe Pelosi, Gianfranco Ruggerini, and Stefano Selleri, "Genetic Algorithm Optimization of High-Efficiency Wide-Band Multimodal Square Horns for Discrete Lenses," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 83, 335-352, 2008.

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