Vol. 9
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Modes on a Conductor-Backed Slotline
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 9, 151-164, 2008
This paper reports on an experimental investigation of modes propagating along a conductor-backed slotline: the dominant mode, and the surface leaky mode. The measurement and the numerical experiments performed in the CST Microwave Studio verify theoretical findings of modes obtained by the method of moments applied in the spectral domain. The dispersion characteristic of the dominant mode on the conductor-backed slotline is determined by substituting this line by a flat slotted waveguide.
Jan Machac, Vaclav Kotlan, and Miroslav Snajdr, "Modes on a Conductor-Backed Slotline," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 9, 151-164, 2008.

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