Vol. 7
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Class of Electromagnetic BI-Quadratic (Bq) Media
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 7, 281-297, 2008
Electromagnetic fields and media can be compactly represented by applying the four-dimensional differential-form formalism. In particular, classes of linear (bi-anisotropic) media can be defined in terms of the medium dyadic mapping between the electromagnetic two-forms. As a continuation to the process started by medium dyadics satisfying linear and quadratic algebraic equations, the class of biquadratic (BQ) media is defined by requiring that the medium dyadics satisfy the bi-quadratic algebraic equation. It is shown that the corresponding four three-dimensional medium dyadics are required to satisfy only two dyadic conditions. After studying general properties of BQ media, a special case is analyzed in detail as an example.
Ismo Veikko Lindell, "Class of Electromagnetic BI-Quadratic (Bq) Media," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 7, 281-297, 2008.

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