Vol. 75
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A New Ray-Tracing Based Wave Propagation Model Including Rough Surfaces Scattering
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 75, 357-381, 2007
This paper presents a complete ray-tracing based model which takes into account scattering from rough surfaces in indoor environments. The proposed model relies on a combination between computer graphics and radar techniques. The paths between the transmitter and the receiver are found thanks to a Bi-Directional Path-Tracing algorithm, and the scattering field after each interaction between the electromagnetic wave and the environment is computed according to the Kirchhoff Approximation. This propagation model is implemented as a plug-in in an existing full 3-D ray-tracing software. Thus, we compare the results of classical ray-tracing with those of our model to study the influence of the scattering phenomenon on the wave propagation in typical indoor environments.
Yann Cocheril, and Rodolphe Vauzelle, "A New Ray-Tracing Based Wave Propagation Model Including Rough Surfaces Scattering," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 75, 357-381, 2007.

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