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FDTD Modeling of a Vibrating Intrinsic Reverberation Chamber
, Vol. 39, 47-59, 2003
The field conditions inside a vibrating intrinsic reverberation chamber (VIRC) are examined. By the use of the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method,the field strength in the VIRC is calculated,and an investigation of the field uniformity and the field distribution is performed. The modes inside the cavity are excited by applying an appropriately modulated waveform on a dipoles gap. The use of this kind of waveform enables the study of the field conditions over a wide frequency range. On the contrary,an implementation of the field excitation with an unmodulated carrier would require a simulation of the FDTD method at each frequency of interest. Thus,a considerable reduction in the simulation time is achieved. The results presented,describing the field behavior inside the enclosure,agree with theory to a high degree.
"FDTD Modeling of a Vibrating Intrinsic Reverberation Chamber," , Vol. 39, 47-59, 2003.

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