Vol. 49
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A Set of Simple Numerical Pattern Synthesis Algorithms for Anti-Jamming with Superdirective Receiving Array
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 49, 195-202, 2016
Although a superdirective array can acquire maximum directive gain with electrically small array, in some practical applications, low sidelobe and deep nulls are also important, which can effectively inhibit directional interferences. In this work, a set of simple superdirective pattern synthesis methods are proposed. By introducing diagonal loading factor and adding virtual jamming constraints, they can keep suitable tradeoff among directive gain, efficiency and anti-jamming performance. Besides, easy realization is another good feature of the proposed methods.
Huajun Zhang, Huotao Gao, Huaqiao Zhao, Ting Cao, and Boya Li, "A Set of Simple Numerical Pattern Synthesis Algorithms for Anti-Jamming with Superdirective Receiving Array," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 49, 195-202, 2016.

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