Vol. 81
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Modeling of the Electromagnetic Field of a Rectangular Waveguide with Side Holes
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 81, 127-132, 2019
In this work, we simulate the electromagnetic field of a rectangular waveguide with side holes. The Helmholtz equations for a given waveguide and dispersion equations are solved. As a result of numerical calculations, the obtained numerical values build the dependence of the modulus of the effective impedance on the wavelength for different types of waves.
Islam Jamal Islamov, Elshad Gulam Ismibayli, Yusif Gazi Gaziyev, Simnara Raffaq Ahmadova, and Rashid Shaban Abdullayev, "Modeling of the Electromagnetic Field of a Rectangular Waveguide with Side Holes," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 81, 127-132, 2019.

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