Vol. 99
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Self-Inductance Computation of the Thin Conical Sheet Inductor
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 99, 23-39, 2023
In this paper, a new formula for calculating the self-inductance of a thin conical sheet inductor is given. The presented work is derived in a semi-analytical form based on the complete elliptic integrals of the first, second, and third kind plus a term to be solved numerically. The analytical formula is obtained in the special case when the thin conical sheet inductor is degenerated into a thin wall cylinder. The validation of the presented formulas is done by triple, double, single integration and by the semi-analytical formula. These self-inductance calculations of the thin conical sheet inductors can be especially useful in broadband RF applications and wireless power transfer systems where conical inductors have been used.
Slobodan Babic, "Self-Inductance Computation of the Thin Conical Sheet Inductor," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 99, 23-39, 2023.

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