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On Fresnel-Airy Equations, Fabry-Perot Resonances and Surface Electromagnetic Waves in Arbitrary Bianisotropic Metamaterials
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 173, 53-69, 2022
We introduce a theory of optical responses of bianisotropic layers with arbitrary effective medium parameters, which results in generalized Fresnel-Airy equations for reflection and transmission coefficients at all incidence directions and polarizations. The poles of these equations provide explicit expressions for the dispersion of Fabry-Perot resonances and surface electromatic waves in bianisotropic layers and interfaces. The existence conditions of these resonances are topologically related to the zeros of the high-k characteristic function h(k)=0 of bulk bianisotropic materials and taxonomy of bianisotropic media according to the hyperbolic topological classes [32, 33].
Maxim Durach, Robert Williamson, Jacob Adams, Tonilynn Holtz, Pooja Bhatt, Rebecka Moreno, and Franchescia Smith, "On Fresnel-Airy Equations, Fabry-Perot Resonances and Surface Electromagnetic Waves in Arbitrary Bianisotropic Metamaterials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 173, 53-69, 2022.

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