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Layer-to-Layer Angle Interlock 3D Woven Bandstop Frequency Selective Surface
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 162, 81-94, 2018
A flexible fully textile-integrated bandstop frequency selective surface working at a central frequency of 3.75 GHz and presenting a 0.6 GHz bandwidth has been designed, manufactured and experimentally characterised. The frequency selective surface consists of a multilayered woven fabric whose top layer presents periodic cross-shaped conductive resonators, and due to its symmetries, its performance is largely independent of polarisation and angle of incidence. These properties make the prototype very interesting for shielding applications. The designed frequency selective surface is based on a layer-to-layer angle interlock 3D woven fabric. This technology provides the prototype with flexibility, portability and the possibility of manufacturing it in a large scale production by the use of existing industrial weaving machinery, in contrast to conventional frequency selective surfaces manufactured using rigid substrates. The proposed textile frequency selective surface has been simulated and experimentally validated providing good agreement between the simulations and measurements. The measured maximum attenuation has been found to be higher than 25 dB under normal incidence conditions.
Leticia Alonso-Gonzalez, Samuel Ver-Hoeye, Miguel Fernandez-Garcia, and Fernando Las Heras Andres, "Layer-to-Layer Angle Interlock 3D Woven Bandstop Frequency Selective Surface," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 162, 81-94, 2018.

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