Vol. 133
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Comparison of Magnetic-Geared Permanent-Magnet Machines
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 133, 177-198, 2013
With the advent of magnetic gears, researchers have developed a new breed of permanent-magnet machines. These magnetic-geared permanent-magnet machines artfully incorporate the concept of magnetic gearing into the permanent-magnet machines, leading to achieve low-speed high-torque direct-drive operation. In this paper, a quantitative comparison of three viable magnetic-geared permanent-magnet machines is firstly performed, hence revealing their key features, merits, demerits and applications. Initially, the development of the magnetic gears, including the converted topologies and field-modulated topologies, is reviewed. Then, three viable magnetic-geared permanent-magnet machines are identified and discussed. Consequently, the corresponding performances are analyzed and quantitatively compared. The results and discussions form an important foundation for research in low-speed high-torque direct-drive systems.
Xianglin Li, Kwok-Tong Chau, Ming Cheng, and Wei Hua, "Comparison of Magnetic-Geared Permanent-Magnet Machines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 133, 177-198, 2013.

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