Vol. 131
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An Alternative Range Migration Correction Algorithm for Focusing Moving Targets
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 131, 227-241, 2012
This paper presents a method for focusing a moving target in single channel SAR data utilizing a novel technique for range migration correction. The First Order Keystone transform is first applied to remove the range-walk of the moving target signature. A search procedure based on maximizing a contrast cost function is then employed to determine the phase correction which compensates for the remaining range curvature. Finally an adaptive notch filter is used to construct an estimate of the azimuth compression filter necessary to focus the moving target. An experimental result is provided for airborne SAR data to demonstrate the performance of the approach.
David M. Kirkland, "An Alternative Range Migration Correction Algorithm for Focusing Moving Targets," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 131, 227-241, 2012.

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