Vol. 127
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Synthesis of Thinned Linear and Planar Antenna Arrays Using Binary PSO Algorithm
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 127, 371-387, 2012
Traditional optimization methods are not well suited for thinning large arrays to obtain a low sidelobe level (SLL). The chaotic binary particle swarm optimization (CBPSO) algorithm is presented as a useful alternative in the synthesis of thinned arrays. The proposed algorithm is improved by nonlinear inertia weight with chaotic mutation to increase the diversity of particles. Two examples have been proposed and solved. Simulation results compared with published results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for both linear and planar arrays.
Wei-Bo Wang, Quanyuan Feng, and Dong Liu, "Synthesis of Thinned Linear and Planar Antenna Arrays Using Binary PSO Algorithm," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 127, 371-387, 2012.

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