Vol. 96
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Fractional Rectangular Impedance Waveguide
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 96, 101-116, 2009
Fractional rectangular impedance waveguide has been studied using fractional curl operator. Behavior of field inside the fractional rectangular impedance waveguide has been studied with respect to the original impedance of walls of the guide as well as fractional parameter. Analysis of the impedance of the walls as well as power distribution over the cross sectional plane of fractional impedance rectangular waveguide has been given. It has been found that fractional curl can be used to control the power distribution pattern over the cross sectional plane.
Akhtar Hussain, and Qaisar Naqvi, "Fractional Rectangular Impedance Waveguide," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 96, 101-116, 2009.

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