Vol. 90
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Electromagnetic Analysis of a Non Invasive Microwave Radiometry Imaging System Emphasizing on the Focusing Sensitivity Optimization
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 90, 385-407, 2009
A Green's function based methodology has been developed and implemented with the view to optimize the focusing properties and thus the performance of a Microwave Radiometry Imaging System (MiRaIS). The system consists of an ellipsoidal conductive wall cavity and a sensitive radiometric receiver and its operation principal is based on the convergence of the radiation from one focal point, where the subject or phantom is placed, on the other, where the receiver antenna is positioned. A two-layered cylinder is used to model the human head with the semi-analytical Green's function technique. The imaging configuration is enhanced by different matching structures of various materials which are placed on the surface of both the human head model and the antenna inside the ellipsoidal. Numerical code executions have been realized and the results for the electric field distribution inside the head are presented for materials of various dielectric properties and for left handed materials at two different frequencies (0.5 GHz and 1.0 GHz). Increased sensitivity of the system focusing properties is observed using particular matching structures.
Melpomeni I. Giamalaki, Irene Karanasiou, and Nikolaos Uzunoglu, "Electromagnetic Analysis of a Non Invasive Microwave Radiometry Imaging System Emphasizing on the Focusing Sensitivity Optimization," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 90, 385-407, 2009.

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