Vol. 90
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Design of an E-Shaped MIMO Antenna Using IWO Algorithm for Wireless Application at 5.8 GHz
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 90, 187-203, 2009
A novel compact four element multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna is proposed. The antenna is composed of four E-shaped patch elements and operates at 5.8 GHz. The E-shaped patch antenna, operate at this frequency is designed using the Invasive Weed optimization algorithm. This algorithm is then applied to design the two and the four element MIMO antenna for high degree of isolation. In order to measure the array performance under MIMO signaling conditions a multi-port metric is used to characterize the compact array rather than the scattering matrix characterization. The designed antennas have low profile, easy fabrication, low cost and good isolation. The simulation and measurement result of reflection coefficient, mutual coupling and radiation pattern is presented.
Ali Reza Mallahzadeh, Sabikeh Es'haghi, and Amir Alipour, "Design of an E-Shaped MIMO Antenna Using IWO Algorithm for Wireless Application at 5.8 GHz ," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 90, 187-203, 2009.

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