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Indoor Accurate RCS Measurement Technique on UHF Band
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 81, 279-289, 2008
Based on the step-frequency RCS measurement system, high performance absorbers and low scattering supports, employing two log-periodic dipole antennas to carry out the quasi-monostatic measurement and many DSP techniques to reduce the error, the indoor accurate RCS measurement can be completed on UHF band. Experimental results show that the valid data waved less than 1 dB can be obtained over 70% of whole band.
Chu-Feng Hu, Jia-Dong Xu, N. J. Li, and Lin-Xi Zhang, "Indoor Accurate RCS Measurement Technique on UHF Band," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 81, 279-289, 2008.

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