Vol. 77
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Interaction of Dual Band Helical and PIFA Handset Antennas with Human Head and Hand
, Vol. 77, 225-242, 2007
Helical antenna and planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) are two commonly used handset antennas. This paper presents a comprehensive study on the performance of a dual band PIFA and a dual band helical antenna designed for operating in GSM900 and DCS1800 frequency bands. Radiation patterns and VSWR of these antennas are computed in free space as well as in the presence of head and hand. The specific absorption rate (SAR) of the helical antenna is calculated and compared with that of the PIFA handset antenna. The peak average SAR in the head is compared with SAR limits in the safety standards and so the maximum radiation power of each antenna is determined. In addition, radiation efficiencies of these handset antennas are computed in the presence of head and hand. All numerical simulations are performed using the Ansoft HFSS software. Numerical simulations results are in good agreement with published measurement results.
Mohammad Ali Ebrahimi-Ganjeh, and Amir Attari, "Interaction of Dual Band Helical and PIFA Handset Antennas with Human Head and Hand," , Vol. 77, 225-242, 2007.

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