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A Linear Mutually Coupled Parallel Dipole Antenna Array Failure Correction Using Bat Algorithm
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 54, 9-18, 2017
In this work, the problem of mutually coupled dipole antenna array failure has been solved using bat algorithm by adjusting only the amplitude excitation of good array elements. The element failure causes the degradation of side-lobe power level to an improper level. A fitness function is formulated to obtain the difference between degraded side-lobe pattern and measured side-lobe pattern, and a flexible approach using bat algorithm is used to minimize this function. Numerical examples of single and multiple element failure correction under mutual coupling conditions are discussed to show the capability of this proposed approach.
Narwant Singh Grewal, Munish Rattan, and Manjeet Patterh, "A Linear Mutually Coupled Parallel Dipole Antenna Array Failure Correction Using Bat Algorithm," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 54, 9-18, 2017.

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