Vol. 35
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Quasi Optical Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation Inside Pregnant Woman Abdomen
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 35, 31-38, 2014
Investigations have been carried out on the convex lens effect of non-ionizing radiation inside the abdomen of a pregnant woman. Focusing property for a plano-convex lens, which is thicker than twice of its focal length and filled with water, is studied for electric and magnetic fields at different microwave frequencies. It is observed that real image of electromagnetic fields are formed inside the lens itself at the focal plane when a microwave source is placed at a distance much greater than the twice the focal length. A three dimensional homogeneous electrical model of pregnant woman abdomen model behaves like plano-convex lens and creates real image of the microwave source inside the abdomen.
Md. Faruk Ali, and Sudhabindu Ray, "Quasi Optical Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation Inside Pregnant Woman Abdomen," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 35, 31-38, 2014.

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