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Dual-Band Terahertz Chiral Metamaterial with Giant Optical Activity and Negative Refractive Index Based on Cross-Wire Strucure
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 31, 59-69, 2013
In this paper, a dual-band chiral metamaterial (CMM) based on cross-wire structure is proposed and studied numerically. It exhibits dual-band giant optical activity and negative refractive index in terahertz region. The surface current distributions are calculated to explain original physics. The further numerical results show that the effective frequency bands of the CMMs can be independent adjusted easily by changing the structure geometrical parameter. The designed dual-band terahertz CMMs offer flexibility in the investigation of novel terahertz device application.
Fang Fang, and Yongzhi Cheng, "Dual-Band Terahertz Chiral Metamaterial with Giant Optical Activity and Negative Refractive Index Based on Cross-Wire Strucure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 31, 59-69, 2013.

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