Vol. 15
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Indoor Location Based on IEEE 802.11 Round-Trip Time Measurements with Two-Step NLOS Mitigation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 15, 285-306, 2009
This paper presents a comprehensive location scheme in a rich multipath environment. It is based on the estimation of the distance between two wireless nodes in line-of-sight (LOS) from the best statistical estimator of the round-trip time (RTT), assuming a linear regression as the model that best relates this statistical estimator to the actual distance. As LOS cannot be guaranteed in an indoor environment, the effect of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) is mitigated by a two-step correction scheme. At a first step, the severe NLOS error is corrected from distance estimates applying the prior NLOS measurement correction (PNMC) method. At a second step, a new multilateration technique is implemented together with received signal strength (RSS) information to minimize the difference between the estimated position and the actual one. The location scheme coupled with measurements in a real indoor environment demonstrates that it outperforms the conventional time-based indoor location schemes using neither a tracking technique nor a previous calibration stage of the environment and no need for time synchronization between wireless nodes.
Alfonso Bahillo Martinez, Santiago Mazuelas Franco, Javier Prieto Tejedor, Ruben Mateo Lorenzo Toledo, Patricia Fernandez Reguero, and Evaristo Jose Abril, "Indoor Location Based on IEEE 802.11 Round-Trip Time Measurements with Two-Step NLOS Mitigation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 15, 285-306, 2009.

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