Vol. 102
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Assessment of Human Exposure to High Frequency Fields Generated by Wireless Transmitters: a Simplified Analytical Model
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 102, 19-35, 2023
This work examines the effects of high frequency radio transmission on the human body. A magnetic point source is used to generate a signal that is transmitted through the human body at a specified distance. The study was conducted to evaluate the health effects of exposure to high frequency radiation, in relation to current density, induced electric field and specific absorption rate at frequencies of 6.78 MHz and 13.56 MHz. The results for both an equivalent cylinder and a realistic human body model were compared. The analytical method presumes a sinusoidal current distribution along the cylinder and introduces the approximations of field integrals. The numerical simulations by the commercial software FEKO confirmed the analytical results depicted in the paper. The study shows that maximum differences between the results of the proposed analytical model and human model (regardless being realistic or cylinder) are less than 10%. This is convenient because analytical methods can ensure fast estimations of the exposure standard limitations.
Petra Rasic, Zoran Blazevic, and Dragan Poljak, "Assessment of Human Exposure to High Frequency Fields Generated by Wireless Transmitters: a Simplified Analytical Model," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 102, 19-35, 2023.

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