Vol. 106
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Multi-Probe Sensor for Water Content Diagnosis of Liquid Biofuels
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 106, 1-6, 2022
A multi-probe sensor for water content analysis, in liquid biofuels, by using reflection and transmission measurements in microwave frequencies range, is proposed in this letter. As preliminary step and for a better understanding, the measurements were carried out with ethanol/water mixtures, which mimic bioethanol applications, at room temperature. In order to study water/alcohol mixtures, each of them was characterized using classical techniques like open ended coaxial probe or reflection/transmission coaxial line, before being tested in multi-probe sensors. At the end, the multi-probe sensor aims to be implemented in-line production in order to perform diagnosis of water in liquid biofuels.
Floriane Sparma, Bayan Tallawi, Eric Georgin, and Pierre Sabouroux, "Multi-Probe Sensor for Water Content Diagnosis of Liquid Biofuels," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 106, 1-6, 2022.

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