Vol. 101
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Spur Line Implanted Orthogonal Microstrip-Fed Ultra Wideband MIMO Linear Taper Slot Antenna with WLAN Band Rejection
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 101, 11-17, 2021
A compact ultra-wideband Multiple-Input-Multiple Output (MIMO) orthogonal microstrip fed linear tapered slot antenna (LTSA) is planned for frequency notched applications. The projected MIMO antenna comprises of two indistinguishable linear tapered slot antennas excited by two orthogonal microstrip feeds. In this paper, double split-ring resonators (DSRRs) are suggested to develop the isolation between two linear tapered slot antenna elements. A quarter wavelength spur line is entrenched on the feeding part of the micro-strip antenna to attain the notch frequency. The L-shaped spur line adds to the notch frequency at 5.5 GHz targeted to dodge interference from 5-6 GHz WLAN band. The planned antenna is fabricated and labelled in terms of impedance and radiation parameter measurements, compliant with that of properties achieved from full wave simulation. The antenna has congruous gain and well-built radiation pattern. Radiation pattern portrayal confirms high gain in the end-fire direction.
Chittajit Sarkar, and Susobhan Ray, "Spur Line Implanted Orthogonal Microstrip-Fed Ultra Wideband MIMO Linear Taper Slot Antenna with WLAN Band Rejection," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 101, 11-17, 2021.

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