Vol. 104
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A Novel Mirror Kirchhoff Approximation Method for Predicting the Shadowing Effect by a Metal Cuboid
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 104, 199-212, 2021
This paper proposes an efficient and accurate scattered field prediction method based on Kirchhoff Approximation called `Mirror Kirchhoff Approximation' (MKA) which is suitable for evaluating the shadowing effect by a metal cuboid. The disadvantages of conventional methods, such as low accuracy of Kirchhoff Approximation (KA) for metal cuboid and high computational complexity of Method of Moment (MoM) for a shadowing object at millimeter wave (mmWave), have motivated the establishment of an efficient and accurate prediction method for a metal cuboid at mmWave. The proposed method solves the previous issues by introducing the ray-based reflection into conventional KA. The idea and detail formulations of the proposed method are presented. The proposed method is validated by comparing with MoM and KA in terms of complexity and accuracy. The results imply that the proposed method presents good accuracy with low calculation time. The MKA has a maximum 8.3 dB improvement compared with conventional KA. Calculating time is improved by 392-915 times compared with MoM.
Xin Du, Kentaro Saito, Jun-Ichi Takada, and Panawit Hanpinitsak, "A Novel Mirror Kirchhoff Approximation Method for Predicting the Shadowing Effect by a Metal Cuboid," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 104, 199-212, 2021.

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