Vol. 96
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Applying Electromagnetic Field Analysis to Minimize the Earth Resistance on High Resistivity Soils
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 96, 157-167, 2020
Different optimization strategies to reduce the earth resistance in a high resistivity soil are discussed in this work and illustrated with a practical example. Finite Element simulations reproducing real-world conditions in terms of structure design and soil profiles have been made to evaluate the improvements that should be adopted to minimize earth resistance. We analyze an example of an earthing system of an array of four identical telescopes installed on high resistivity (k­¢m order) soils with two different behaviors. In the first one, current dissipation occurs in an uniform soil. In the second one, a terrain with four layers of different resistivities is considered. This situation corresponds to a real world case of an observatory constructed in a volcanic terrain. It was found that the best strategy in each case differs: extend horizontal electrodes as far as possible from the foundation in the first case and combine these electrodes with buried vertical electrodes that connect with deep high conductive layers in the second. The results are discussed in terms of the achieved improvements depending on the modifications introduced in the main structure.
Silvia Ronda, Clara Oliver, OIbar Martínez Vilchez, Patricia Márquez Paniagua, and Jose Miguel Miranda, "Applying Electromagnetic Field Analysis to Minimize the Earth Resistance on High Resistivity Soils," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 96, 157-167, 2020.

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