Vol. 91
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Mid-Infrared Micro-Displacement Measurement with a Bidimensional Silicon Photonic Crystal
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 91, 77-83, 2020
In this work, a micro displacement sensor based on dual micro-cavities coupled to a photonic crystal waveguide is proposed. The defects are introduced to create a sharp resonance in the structure which makes it useful for detecting micro displacement changes. The sensing principle is based on the change of the output signal transmission with the change of the displacement of a moving part compared to a fixed part of sensor structure. The proposed structure reached a good sensitivity of 9.52a-1.
Tarek Zouache, and Abdesselam Hocini, "Mid-Infrared Micro-Displacement Measurement with a Bidimensional Silicon Photonic Crystal," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 91, 77-83, 2020.

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