Vol. 91
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An Analytical Hybrid Model for the Shielding Effectiveness Evaluation of a Dual-Cavity Structure with an Aperture Array
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 91, 109-116, 2020
Rectangular dual-cavity structure is usually used to improve the shielding efficiency of a shielding chamber or to avoid the interference between the internal electronic components of the system. In order to simplify the estimation of the shielding effectiveness for a dual-cavity structure with an aperture array,a hybrid analytical model is proposed based on Robinson's model and Dehkhoda's model. In the new model, the enclosure of cavity and the aperture array are equivalent to a short-circuited waveguide and admittance respectively. Using this hybrid model, shielding effectiveness could be calculated efficiently for a common frequency band. The results of typical examples are compared with simulation examples, and they are in very good agreement. This method provides an analytic solution for designers to speed up the design process of a rectangular dual-cavity structure with an aperture array.
Hai Jin, Hongliang Zhang, Yurun Ma, Kejian Chen, and Xinfeng Sun, "An Analytical Hybrid Model for the Shielding Effectiveness Evaluation of a Dual-Cavity Structure with an Aperture Array," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 91, 109-116, 2020.

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