Vol. 88
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A Simple Numerical Solution Method for TM Scattering by Conducting Cylinders Partially Buried in a Dielectric Half-Space
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 88, 51-57, 2020
The scattering of a transverse magnetic plane wave by a conducting cylinder partially buried in a dielectric half-space is solved by an aperture method. A system of coupled integral equations for the current induced on the cylinder and the scattered electric field at the dielectric interface are formulated from field equivalence principles. The scattered tangential electric field at interface is negligible at some distance from the cylinder location. Hence, for a sufficiently wide interface truncation, the coupled integral equations can be easily solved numerically by the Method of Moments. Data for the cylinder current, the scattered electric field at interface and the far-zone field are shown for cases of interest.
Cengiz Ozzaim, "A Simple Numerical Solution Method for TM Scattering by Conducting Cylinders Partially Buried in a Dielectric Half-Space," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 88, 51-57, 2020.

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