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Validation of Shielded Cable Modeling in Xyce Based on Transmission-Line Theory
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 87, 51-57, 2019
Cables and electronic devices typically employ electromagnetic shields to prevent coupling from external radiation. The imperfect nature of these shields allows external electric and magnetic fields to induce unwanted currents and voltages on the inner conductor by penetrating into the interior regions of the cable. In this paper, we verify a circuit model tool using a previously proposed analytic model [1], by evaluating induced currents and voltages on the inner conductor of the shielded cable. Comparisons with experiments are also provided, aimed to validate the proposed circuit model. We foresee that this circuit model will enable coupling between electromagnetic and circuit simulations.
Salvatore Campione, Aaron J. Pung, Larry Kevin Warne, William L. Langston, Ting Mei, and Howard Gerald Hudson, "Validation of Shielded Cable Modeling in Xyce Based on Transmission-Line Theory," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 87, 51-57, 2019.

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16. Warne, L. K., L. I. Basilio, W. L. Langston, K. C. Chen, H. G. Hudson, M. E.Morris, S. L. Stronach, W. A. Johnson, and W. Derr, "Electromagnetic coupling into two standard calibration shields on the Sandia cable tester,", Sandia National Laboratories Report, SAND2014-0842, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2014.

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