Vol. 76
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Experimental Verification of Quadrupole Model of the Electric Field of a Rotating Magnet
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 76, 21-26, 2018
We performed an experiment to verify quadrupole model of the electric field of a rotating magnet. It is found that the rotating magnet insulated from the earth and enclosed in a conductive insulated screen induces the potential difference across an air capacitor arranged on the outside the screen. The field of an electric quadrupole cannot penetrate through the screen; therefore the electric field detected outside the screen has the source of another nature. The field observed in the experiment can be explained by arising of a fictitious electric charge upon rotating of the magnet in accordance with the transformations of the electromagnetic field in the theory of relativity.
Vladimir Borisovich Timofeev, and Tamara Egorovna Timofeeva, "Experimental Verification of Quadrupole Model of the Electric Field of a Rotating Magnet," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 76, 21-26, 2018.

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