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HMSIW Tri-Band Filtering Power Divider
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 68, 17-24, 2017
A tri-band two-way filtering power divider structure is proposed based on HMSIW. Dual-band filtering power divider is realized by etching semicircular slots on HMSIW. The third passband is achieved by loading open-stub without affecting two other passbands. The return loss is less than -20 dB in each passband with 3 dB fractional bandwidths of 3.75%, 9.3% and 0.61%. The measured results are in agreement with the simulated ones in this paper. The filtering power divider has the advantages of simple structure, easy integration, etc. It has a good application prospect.
Xu Wang, Lingqin Meng, Wei Wang, and Dan-Dan Lv, "HMSIW Tri-Band Filtering Power Divider," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 68, 17-24, 2017.

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