Vol. 73
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H -Field Contribution to the Electromagnetic Energy Deposition in Tissues Similar to the Brain But Containing Ferrimagnetic Particles, During Use of Face-Held Radio Transceivers
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 73, 49-60, 2017
A portable radio transceiver with rubber ducky antenna emitting at 446 MHz with an output power of 5 W was considered as near-field source of electric (E) and magnetic (H) field components when being used in the proximity of the user's face. By taking into account the significant content of ferromagnetic nanoparticles recently identified to reside in the human brain, we assessed the specific absorption rate (SAR) of energy deposition due to H-component penetrating a presumptive forebrain. H-component SAR contribution to the total SAR is for the first time estimated in such a case, based on an original idea inspired from knowledge on magnetic fluids hyperthermia.
Simona Miclaus, Mihaela Racuciu, and Paul Bechet, "H -Field Contribution to the Electromagnetic Energy Deposition in Tissues Similar to the Brain But Containing Ferrimagnetic Particles, During Use of Face-Held Radio Transceivers," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 73, 49-60, 2017.

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